Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rookie Alert

So suddenly everybody I know has a blogspot. And here I am trying to make my own mark out here in this "blogworld".
Contrary to what my intro just sounded like I actually have other reasons for starting this blog. I used to be really good at spinning a tale but right now i get tired just talking or typing so this is me trying so hard to hone my writting skills.
I can barely do the witty comebacks and all the deep intuitive answers people seem to need these days. Now if it were flirty comebacks??? I'm quite skilled in that..... Lol!!! And yes I know what that sounds like. I hope somewhere along the line I re discover my talent for writing. Most importantly i want to be considered deep again.
So welcome!!!! We are going to be on this journey together in some ways I pray it is a really long one but in other ways I pray I arrive my destination as swiftly as possible.